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WHS Wheel of Social & Emotional Support

This wheel of social and emotional support is full of resources in the school to help students overcome obsatcles and address issues.

Lab Schedules

Schedules for the academic labs in the school - great resources to get extra help on projects and assignments!

Clubs and Activities

This is a list of all of the clubs and activities at WHS with descriptions about each one. If you can't find a club you are interested in, make your own!

Enrichment & Recreation Programs

ERP clubs are no try-outs/auditions = no cuts club for all students at WHS. There are no fees associated with these clubs. ERP clubs were created to help students find a special niche in the high school for their passions. Students are encouraged to start their own clubs. If a student has a passion that they would like to share all they need to do is find a faculty advisor and then contact Wro in the Performing Arts office at WHS. Start an ERP today!

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